In accordance with the current business statistics across the realm due to demanding conditions and to enhance access flexibility,
Techuva extended GPSNavi service to the mobile application with an easy installation process. The measurement of distance and time,
and identifying location are the core features of our GPSNavi. The mobile version demonstrates most of our web application features
enabling the user to quickly view, add, modify the details of any v7upDown ehicle, driver, check location and the status of transportation without
affecting the performance in any aspect. This application will come in hand for not only large fleet management but also small scale firms
whose business requires frequent travelling.
Here are the features of GPSNavi:
● Transport summary
● Vehicle details
● Shows the current location
● Allocating driver to the vehicle
● Allocating device to the vehicle
● Driver allocation history
● Device allocation history
● Reallocating driver
● Reallocating device
● Deallocating driver
● Deallocating device